Monday, 7 February 2011

In approximately 300 words discuss the concept of the 'Avant Garde' in relation to two examples of Graphic Design. Include pictures and full references to the works you are discussing

To be ‘Avant Garde’ is to be ahead of your time, to challenge current rules and conventions in both the world of fine art and graphic design. Although today, the term has been neutralized almost to the point of becoming meaningless, being loosely used to describe something as different or weird. I am going to attempt to find two examples of Avant Garde within graphic design.

 This ‘Brand Baby’ poster by Adbusters could be seen as Avant Garde because the message isn’t immediately clear. Its intent is also clearly to shock or puzzle the viewer. The way I interpret this image is that the branded world feeds on the teat of society.
You could say that this poster ignores modern conventions of graphic design, as graphic design is supposed to communicate a clear message or promote something, this image however does neither of these things. On the other hand, we are bombarded by images similar to this everyday, attempting to touch on some deep social meaning or issue. The question is, is this image meant to be interpreted or just confuse and arouse questions, thus being Avant Garde.

‘Gorgeous isn’t good enough’. This image seems to comment on the need to be physically attractive in today’s society. The reason I chose this book cover as an example of Avant Garde graphic design is more about the image not the written message, which is relatively clear. There seems to be a contrast between image and message. Perhaps the imagery is hinting to surgery with all threads and stitching but personally I have no clue. The fact that I don’t understand this image arouses the question does it make it Avant Garde or bad Graphic Design? Or maybe I’m just part of a society too stupid to understand such strange conventions.

Personally I think you cannot be Avant Garde and a good graphic designer. A graphic designer's sole aim is to communicate a clear message, how can you do this if your audience is too ‘behind’ to understand? To ignore current conventions and rules is to fail as a graphic designer.

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