Tuesday, 30 November 2010

An Introduction to Semiotics.

Almost everything in society has a code, symbols have meanings. Society is based on a complicated structure of shared consensus. 

Sounds and letters are put together to form a word and society agrees on its meaning. Nothing in actuality is linked between the letters and what we perceive to be the meaning.
Why do we call a dog a dog? 'Woofer' would make more sense because of the sounds that dogs make.

Images communicate symbols and codes to us, for example a suit is professional and smart, a tie has no use or purpose and is in no way practical, people wear it to portray the idea of sophistication.

Anything that gives meaning is a sign.

SIGNIFIED: mental concept
Their is no logical meaning between the two, just social agreement.

Image of a rose- signifier, sound of the word rose- signifier. What is being signified is the rose itself.
More symbols and meanings can also be read from the image, love and passion are being signified by the image.

Fonts are signifiers. Social code says that certain fonts mean certain things, if these clash cultural codes are disturbed.

Signified is broken down into two...
DENOTATION: simple surface meaning
CONNOTATION: deeper symbolic meaning
These are taught to us by society and have no practical sense.

MYTH is the deepest level of connotation. People believe myth to be a natural meaning rather  than socially given, which can be problematic.

SIGNIFIER: Everything in this article is a signifier, the writing, the image, the colour and the fonts used.
SIGNIFIED: The article signifies the Taliban using the signifiers. The signified are broken down into denotations and connotations.
DENOTATION: The surface meaning of the article is war and destruction, a baron wasteland, smoke.
CONNOTATION: The red used in the type connotes death. The stencil font makes us think of the army, which in turn makes us think of war. The header is big, bold and in upper case, to connote urgency and importance. The use of the word 'bang' within 'Taliban' connotes bombs and explosions, 'bang' being the sound that they make.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Lecture notes... Revolutionary Design in Russia

Lecture Notes... Modernity and Modernism: An Introduction

Until 18th Century modern art was seen as inferior version of classical art.

Modern means new, improved. The modern woman is now equal to man.
1900 Paris was seen as the most modern city- had rail, transport and electricity.
The railway- an important part of modernism, linking countries together.

With modernism came urbanisation, more people lived in one area. 

People turned to science and psychology instead of just religion in modern era.

Before modernism- No sense of world time. Modernity made time regulated and standardised.

The city- symbol of modernity.
Eiffel tower- modern structure.

Shifts in art as artists react and respond to modernity.
Clothes are used to show wealth and status.
Modernity speeds up our lives but also makes people more distracted.
Rich and poor are forced to share the same space- makes people distant but more competitive.

City space is dehumanised.

Anti modernists thought this was a bad way to live.

Classical art vs new art. Photography makes painting less relevant- photographs capture all.

Skyscrapers are built- empowering to man, giving a new view of the world from above, before only God could see.

Modern designs should work with modern world- only looking forwards to create new styles.
Form follows function.
Old architecture focuses on artists expression- modern should show no attempt to decorate or disguise- aesthetics are less important.

All modernist designs should be understood by anyone, speaking a common language- designs attempt to define a modern way of living.
Some believed that decoration was a sign of backwardness, a retarded development.

Bauhaus- influential art school.
Main place of modern design. 
Made of big windows (rooms had plenty of light, function) and concrete, a new material.
A new font was designed (futura).
Shit down by Nazis as they thought it was too progressive.

Modern design should be available to all- mass produced. Products should be made quickly, easily and cheaply.
Some were made to cheaply, causing buildings having to be rebuilt.

The idea of modernity was to develop the world to bring a better future.

Modern art shouldn't discriminate.

London Underground map- copied by almost every city in the world- modern way of communicating- neutral language.

Sans serif font- direct result of modernity.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Critical Studies Image Analysis Exercise

My first initial reaction to both images is that they are both obviously very patriotic. The Uncle Sam Range however uses a lot of discrete and underlying symbols. The piece is an advertisement for a cooking range, which is being promoted on the 100th birthday of the declaration of independence so it is clear that it was a time when America was proud of its growth as a nation. The main thing being communicated here is how ‘great’ America is. Stereotypes, and in some views out right racism are used to undermine other nations in a way to emphasise America’s greatness. This also makes the rest of the of the world look primitive in comparison. Every aspect of the image hints at America’s superiority over other nations. An example of this is the menu being read by the world showing the Irish eating ‘raw potatoes’ and the Chinese eating ‘birds nests’ which is of course ridiculous, but suggests that America is further developed than these much longer established cultures. The entire set out of the image shows a typical ‘perfect’ family, as if by buying the range you are also buying the American dream. The father figure is Uncle Sam a commonly known symbol of America, with the obedient doting wife serving the food. At the back of the table there are three children, ‘Dixie’, ‘West’ and ‘New England’ symbolising the different parts of America. The significance of this is that they are still young but growing and will become strong if they are fed by the range.

The second image is an appeal during World War 1 looking to recruit soldiers. The main focus of this poster is the writing at the bottom, ‘Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War’. The ‘you’ is underlined and capitalised to jump out at you and emphasise the word, which makes it personal and direct. Also the type is italicised, which gives it an innocent element signifying they are the words of the child. Like the first image a lot of subtle symbols and signs are used, for example the royal symbols on the chair and the red rose of England on the curtains, this suggests that fighting in the war makes you a protector of your queen and country. I think the main point to this poster is to touch on a mans pride and ego, making him feel worthless in front of his family if he doesn’t join to fight in the war. The little boy playing with the soldier figures is also very symbolic. Unknowingly this is like a direct challenge to his father, emasculating him and labelling him as a coward.

Both images use a lot of symbols and subtle signs to get across what is trying to be communicated. They are both trying to sell a product or an idea by tapping into pride for your country and nation. Both posters are directed at upper/ middle class or are trying to portray this kind of lifestyle. They are saying that in the long run if they buy this product or join the army they will have a better life.